HAXPES 2022 May 31 - June 3 in Himeji, Japan
The 9th International Conference on Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (HAXPES 2022) is going to be held at Himeji from May 31 to June 3, 2022. The HAXPES2022 conference will be basically held by in-person activities, but an online participation is also available. If the sanitary conditions will be also severe in the next spring, the conference will be fully online.
The conference will cover the most recent and exciting topics in atomic and molecular physics, chemistry, applied science, quantum materials and electron dynamics as viewed by HAXPES, along with the latest technological advances in the field.
The scientific program of HAXPES2022 will consist of plenary talks, invited and contributed oral presentations, as well as poster sessions and also vendors exhibition.